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Three things you will find in West Chula Vista & not in East Chula Vista: #1 is a shocker

Westside Chula Vista

For as long as I can remember, there has always been that “Westside Vs. Eastside” rivalry. The 805 splits Chula Vista in half and has always been a competitive split. Back when Eastlake was growing into its own it was always the side that got the most updated projects or new parks. People on the west side would always ask, “Why are they getting all this new stuff? Why is nothing happening on the west side?” It’s funny now cause the Westside is getting all the love with the new Bayfront projects.

Personally, I have never fallen into the East vs. West mentality. We are all Chula Vista, and no freeway or attitude should ever split us. But, with that being said, there are some things that you can find on the Westside that you can’t find on the Eastside.

Now, to be clear, this is not a competition. I have always found it fascinating that certain elements and businesses have not jumped over the 805. I’m not sure if it’s just cause they don’t want to add a location in Eastlake or that business type just doesn’t work in that area. For whatever reason, this list covers the three things that the Westside has that you will not find on the Eastside. And don’t worry, I will have a reverse list coming soon, so stay tuned.

La Concha Bakery in Chula Vista
How is there not a Pan Dulce bakery in Eastlake? If I had the money and knowledge to bake Mexican bread I would open my own.

Number One: Pan Dulce Bakery

If there is one that just blows me away, it’s this one. How is there no pan dulce bakery in Eastlake? I’m part of so many Chula Vista Facebook groups, and this question has been asked many times. “Where can I get good pan dulce in Eastlake? Every time and pretty much every answer is, “You can’t.It’s not like people in Eastlake don’t want a good pan dulce place; they clearly do if they keep asking for it. Here on the Westside, we have several different places to pick up some delicious pan dulce. My favorite has always been La Concha on E Street, I love this place. How have they not branched out and made a location in Eastlake?

If I knew how to bake Mexican sweet bread and, of course, had the money to open it, I would totally open a pan dulce bakery in Eastlake. You have zero competition right now, and your spot would be the only place selling it. No longer would people have to drive west to get their pan dulce fix; my location would be right there.

If you open on up then give me call. I at least want a free concha for giving you a winning plan.

Apple Tree Market in Chula Vista
This is another one that always shocks me doesn’t exist in Eastlake. I know you have Trader Joes, but how about a good Hispanic Market in Eastlake?

Number Two: A Hispanic Market

This is another one that always shocks me. Here on the West Side, we have so many Hispanic markets, each with one item I truly love. One of them is Otay Farms on Main Street, they have the best bolios in all of Chula Vista. Anytime I’m even remotely close to them I have to stop and get some.

How is there no Hispanic Market in Eastlake? Imagine if they built a Northgate in the San Miguel Ranch strip mall. The one that used to have an Albertsons for about a year and now sits there empty. I still don’t understand that. They could easily make a killing in that area.

West Chula Vista has a lot of food trucks like this
One thing we love here in the Westside is food trucks. If you take a drive down Broadway, you will see all the food trucks we have. A lot of them have really good food.

Number Three: Food Trucks

Another thing we love here on the Westside is our food trucks. I have made a few videos about my favorite food trucks in Chula Vista. Sadly the one I loved the most has moved away. Tacos El Rummy on Third and L St, that was a great spot. He has since moved on and even has his own restaurant in Jamul, shout out to him. 

Now I know some local businesses will have food trucks for a special event at their location. I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about food trucks that are set up at a spot day in and day out. If you drive down Main Street you will see several locations where food trucks are pretty much the restaurant for that spot. I have never seen any food trucks like that east of the 805. If I have missed it, then please let me know. I will be sure to add that to my list pronto.

There you have it—the three things you can find west of the 805 that you will not find east of the 805. I know this list will get some people talking, and that is good; let’s hear it. Let me know if I’m full of it for thinking a pan dulce bakery will make it in Eastlake. I’m ready to hear your feedback.


I have lived in this great community for over 30 years. In that time I have seen so many changes both good and bad. My goal is to promote this city and all of the good that goes on here. There are so many local events, small businesses and community groups making this city even better. You can always find me at the events taking photos. This site is a passion project of mine and I want to use this platform to get the community engaged. Get out and enjoy Chula Vista and make sure to follow me on all the socials for more!