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Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center

2800 Olympic Pkwy, Chula Vista, CA 91915

(619) 656-1500

2800 Olympic Pkwy, Chula Vista, CA 91915

Did you know that right here in Chula Vista, we have a world-class facility where future Olympians and Paralympians hone their skills? The Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center, a gem in our community, opened its doors in 1995 as an Olympic Training Center. But the journey to get here started way back in the mid-80s when the U.S. Olympic Committee put out a call for a city to host a warm-weather, sea-level training facility with access to a lake. Our very own San Diego National Sports Training Foundation stepped up to the challenge, winning the bid and raising the funds needed to bring this dream to life.

Located on 150 acres generously donated by the Eastlake Company, this state-of-the-art facility in eastern Chula Vista became the first Olympic Training Center to be master-planned from the ground up. Groundbreaking for the facility took place in 1990, and by June 1995, it was officially open, ready to welcome America’s best and brightest athletes.

Since its opening, the Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center has been more than just a training ground; it’s a place where dreams are made. Thousands of Olympians, Paralympians, hopefuls, and community groups have walked through its doors, not to mention countless visitors from around the globe who come to witness the training of world-class athletes. This center isn’t just a part of our city’s history—it’s a vital part of our community, inspiring the next generation of champions.

Whether you’re a sports enthusiast, a supporter of the Olympic spirit, or just curious about this incredible facility, the Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center is a must-visit spot in our beautiful city.