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This template was built with Total WordPress Theme and WP Bakery page builder. I have created this as a quick tool to make sure all the of the styling is setup and ready. You can easily import this template into your theme and make any changes you need. I have added a lot of different elements here and will continue to add them as I get a chance.

This has the CSS class of “pad-tb-s” added to the row to give it some spacing.

Advanced Theme Heading H1

Advanced Theme Heading H2

Advanced Theme Heading H3

Advanced Theme Heading H4

Advanced Theme Heading H5
Advanced Theme Heading DIV
Advanced Theme Heading SPAN

Headings with the WordPress text editor.

Heading H1

Heading H2

Heading H3

Heading H4

Heading H5
Heading H6

Turkey qui lorem ham hock. Tongue sausage pancetta laboris in landjaeger. Sunt proident corned beef, chuck ea ribeye pig jerky shank. Nostrud elit excepteur tongue ipsum sint turkey alcatra. Ut cupidatat labore strip steak laborum nostrud rump exercitation bresaola id ham hock aute salami pastrami aliqua.

Filet mignon strip steak beef ribs nisi. Turducken cow enim reprehenderit fatback esse. In tempor sausage doner pancetta et, turducken tenderloin deserunt prosciutto capicola. Pork frankfurter pork belly deserunt doner fugiat. Cupidatat in mollit laboris ham hock qui. Culpa ut qui, shoulder chuck velit turkey fatback aute mollit tempor consectetur ipsum in brisket.

Exercitation pancetta rump cupidatat, ea chuck in flank ad kielbasa pork loin. Capicola pork chop filet mignon sirloin flank elit rump shank brisket tail aliquip ribeye. Quis et fatback, enim beef sausage pork chop adipisicing. Et elit ut ullamco adipisicing commodo short ribs exercitation tempor beef ribs flank. Brisket chuck ut filet mignon, minim proident burgdoggen cupim. Pig tempor porchetta, shank est pork loin laborum culpa jerky andouille adipisicing strip steak spare ribs kielbasa nisi. Dolor occaecat andouille flank biltong prosciutto fugiat tenderloin shoulder culpa magna reprehenderit pariatur.

Advanced Theme Heading H1

Advanced Theme Heading H2

Advanced Theme Heading H3

Advanced Theme Heading H4

Advanced Theme Heading H5
Advanced Theme Heading DIV
Advanced Theme Heading SPAN

Headings with the WordPress text editor.

Heading H1

Heading H2

Heading H3

Heading H4

Heading H5
Heading H6

These are the default sizes that are built into the Total Theme. There are X variations. I have added these with the advanced heading element. I did not add a heading tag to the element, only the default selection.

Advanced Theme Heading 7XL
Advanced Theme Heading 6XL
Advanced Theme Heading 5XL
Advanced Theme Heading 4XL
Advanced Theme Heading 3XL
Advanced Theme Heading 2XL
Advanced Theme Heading XL
Advanced Theme Heading LG
Advanced Theme Heading MD
Advanced Theme Heading XS
Advanced Theme Heading SM

Here are the buttons in a default state with no edits in WPBakery only on the Total WordPress Theme.

Default Button No Font Size Set Default Button Large Size Set Default Button Medium Size Set Default Button Small Size Set
This is the image caption that will show up in various areas on the image.

This is a list item that has been added via the text editor in WPBakery. Add any custom CSS you want, this is just the default styling.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4
  • Item 5
  • Item 6
  • Item 7
  • Item 8
  • Item 9
  • Item 10

This list item HTML has been added via the text editor in WPBakery. On this I have added some CSS styling to improve the look. The class is (.nicelist).

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4
  • Item 5
  • Item 6
  • Item 7
  • Item 8
  • Item 9
  • Item 10